Senior Mental Health Symptoms Personal Care at Home Can Monitor

Senior Mental Health: Personal Care at Home Albany MN

Senior Mental Health: Personal Care at Home Albany MN

Getting older brings about many changes. Some of those changes impact the mental health of seniors. Loved ones need consistent care and monitoring and personal care at home professionals to ensure seniors receive the care they need. Continue reading to learn about seniors’ early signs of mental health issues.

Changes in Appearance or Hygiene

Many things can contribute to a change in appearance or hygiene. For instance, an illness or chronic condition might lead to a lack of mobility. When this happens, support seniors in their recovery and make changes in their routines that will assist them. Would a shorter haircut assist with hygiene? Do they need a bathtub or shower that’s more accommodating? If arthritis or eyesight issues make it difficult to button pants and tops, consider a wardrobe change.

If changes seem sudden, they may point to mental health as the underlying issue. Depression can lead to a lack of energy to do the things they once accomplished without assistance. Adding personal care at home professionals could assist with hygiene concerns and help seniors feel like themselves again.

Withdrawal or Isolation

As with appearance and hygiene, seniors may withdraw from the things they once loved due to mobility issues or even embarrassment about appearance. Depression and other mental health issues also cause seniors to shy away from the things they once loved.

If seniors suddenly ignore loved ones’ attempts to include them in family activities, or stop socializing with friends and enjoying activities they once held dear, talk with them to see how they’re feeling. Everyone goes through tough times when they want to block out the world, but this isolation may be masking something deeper for seniors.

Change in Appetite or Weight

Monitoring changes in appetite and weight is a crucial responsibility for many professionals who provide personal care at home. Changes could be due to medication issues or pain associated with dental problems. Assessing the root cause is essential as it allows loved ones to make necessary adjustments.

Remember that changes in appetite or weight may lead to either a decrease or an increase. Be mindful of both, as some seniors may turn to food to help soothe negative emotions as much as they might pull away from food.

Unexplained Physical Issues

Unexplained headaches, stomachaches, and difficulty sleeping are just a few of the physical reactions to mental health issues. After assessing for other issues, see if other signs are present, such as withdrawing from hobbies or increased negative self-talk. The physical symptoms might be an indicator that something else is going on. Mental health issues will manifest in a variety of ways and can be tricky to pinpoint.

Consistent monitoring and communication are the best allies when caring for seniors. Rely on personal care at home to notice signs and carry out necessary steps to ensure health and well-being. Elder care team members are often the first line of defense when mental health issues occur. Keep an open line of communication for the best outcomes.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Personal Care at Home in Albany, MN please contact the caring staff at Alternative Senior Care today. Providing Home Care in Central Minnesota and Surrounding Communities. Call us Today (320) 352-3350

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Lainie Berg
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