Keeping Stress at Bay

Caregivers in Little Falls MN: Keeping Stress at Bay
Stress is a part of life and, whether physical, mental or emotional, it takes its toll on the body. Stress has been shown to contribute to many health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease. It causes headaches, digestive and sleep problems as well as fatigue. Ultimately, it can lead to anxiety, irritability and even depression. As a family caregiver, you may experience your fair share of stress on a daily basis. Heed the following suggestions in order to ensure a life of balance and joy and the ability to care for your parent as long as they need you.
Take Stock
Humans have a tendency to live their life at neck-breaking speeds. Before you know it, a week has passed and you have done little in the way to nurture yourself or contribute to the sweetness of life. Take a breath and take stock. With a nice cup of herbal tea or lemonade, soft music playing in the distance, and a pen and paper in hand, take stock of your life. What do you want to include in your life that brings you real joy? While you can list the sailboat you’ll buy someday and the trip around the world you’re going to take, what you’re really looking for is the day-to-day experiences that make your life enjoyable. Consider the following when making out your list:
- Luxuriating in a warm bath filled with lavender sea salts and surrounded by scented candles and soft music.
- Perusing through used bookstores for a treasure.
- Long walks with no particular destination in mind.
- Knitting, weaving, painting, creating pottery or a mosaic.
- Watching one of your favorite movies by yourself with your favorite snack in hand and iced-cold beverage.
- Sharing a meal with a good friend at your favorite café.
The question to ask yourself: “What brings a smile to my face?” When you find it, include it in your life at least a few times a week.
Let Go & Let Others
You may feel that you are the only one that really understands your parent’s needs and how to take care of them on a daily basis, and that may very well be true. On the other hand, if you want to be there for your parent as long as your parent needs you, you are going to have to take some time to recharge and rejuvenate.
- Consider obtaining the services of a professional in-home care provider who has cared for countless seniors in the same situation as your parent. Sometimes having a qualified care provider can ease fears and allow you the ability to truly relax.
- Enlist family and friends. If they do not have a whole day to devote, break one day up into two shifts or have one provide transportation a few days a week while another shares and prepares a meal for your parent on another day.
- Take advantage of the numerous organizations in your parent’s town that caters to the elderly. This may include a volunteer transportation organization for homebound seniors, Meals on Wheels or another food delivery system, and the local senior community center that offers a wealth of classes that your parent can attend as well as social outings and shared meals.
And when you start to feel the stress building, take a deep breath and remember this quote:
“Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change…Life’s too short to be anything…but happy.”—Unknown.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering in-home caregivers in Little Falls, MN, please contact the caring staff at Alternative Senior Care today. Providing Home Care in Central Minnesota and Surrounding Communities. Call us Today (320) 352-3350.
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