Avoid Exhaustion When Caring for Aging Relatives

Elderly Care Sauk Centre MN: Avoid Exhaustion When Caring for Aging Relatives

Family caregivers who spend a lot of their time and energy caring for a senior relative may find it difficult to maintain a balance between their own needs and those of their loved ones. Aging adults with physical or mental health issues often need quite a lot of help, sometimes all day and all night.

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Cases of Whooping Cough on the Rise

Senior Care Holdingford MN: Cases of Whooping Cough on the Rise

Whooping cough, or pertussis, has made a comeback in the United States. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, annual cases of whooping cough totaled less than 2,000 nationwide. By 2012, the number had exploded to around 48,000 cases. Although you may think of it as a condition that only affects children, it can also affect older adults.

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